Tuesday, January 6, 2009

You Are Eating A Colorie Restricted Diet and Still Cant Loose Weight

Diet is a critical component to good health. We all know "junk foods" reduce our wellness, raise our weight and have a significant impact on our long-term health. But what if it wasn't just junk food? What if it was something we thought of as being healthy?

A large part of the success I have in practice is the simple elimination of potentially allergenic foods from my patients diet. Thyroids begin to work, blood pressure medications are reduced, type 2 diabetes resolves.

Our immune system runs on protein. It looks for specific proteins that don't belong and reacts to them. Often the protein is thought of as being benign and a part of our diet.
Symptoms of a food sensitivity can be pretty significant:

* Autoimmune diseases of any kind, thyroid, diabetes myasthenia gravis, etc

* Respiratory symptoms like snoring, asthma, chronic cough and ear infection

* Neurological symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, depression and dementia

* Skin issues like acne, psoriasis, dandruff, eczema and rosacea

* Malabsorption symptoms like poor energy, chronic fatigue, difficulty concentrating, vitamin and mineral deficiency symptoms

* Metabolism problems like weight gain, weight loss, moodiness, chills, addictions

* Gastric symptoms such as Irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, gastro esophageal reflux, ulcers
* Genital reproductive disorders include infertility, chronic miscarriage, genital thrush.


If food intolerance is not treated, and suppressed by over-the-counter (or worse- prescription) medications, specific diseases may occur, including:

* Atherosclerosis

* Bowel cancer

* Anemia

* Osteoporosis

* Celiac disease

* Chron's disease

* Multiple sclerosis

* Rheumatoid arthritis

* High blood pressure

* Graves disease

* Hashimoto's thyroiditis

* Sjogren's Syndrome

-And many others

How do you figure out if a food is causing you all this discomfort? Sometimes it is a simple act of looking at your diet and evaluating it for excessive amounts of any one kind of food. Once you pick the food out you eliminate it from your diet for 2 weeks. If you see symptoms disappear then you know you have solved the mystery.

When do you need a visit with me? When your symptoms are complex and you are unsure where to begin. I put together a customized hypoallergenic diet and set a time table for elimination and re-introduction.

The best part of doing this dietary protocol on my patients is the results and rate of cure. After we have found the food that is causing symptoms and removed it, the patient experiences an almost miraculous turn around in health.


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