Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Andropause / Male Hormone Replacement

Andropause, or “Late Onset Hypogonadism,” occurs in men around the ages of 35-45. Symptoms include low testosterone, muscle weakness, erectile dysfunction, poor memory and depression. Therapy is directed towards restoring normal testosterone levels with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, and restoring natural testosterone production.

As the American population lives longer now than ever, a rise in cases of low testosterone is inevitable. Testosterone naturally decreases as we age. What makes this so complex is the role of the environment. The news media is full of stories regarding the problems of plastics on normal hormone production. A troubling study was published in Envronmental Health Perspectives that showed boys who were exposed to plastics in the Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit had dramatically reduced testosterone. Link 1 Link 2   
With the elevated exposure of plastics and the increased longevity of our population, low testosterone has become a common condition, but is often underdiagnosed and under-treated. The indication of testosterone-replacement therapy (TRT) treatment requires the presence of low testosterone levels and symptoms and signs of hypogonadism. Reports indicate that TRT produces a wide range of benefits for men with hypogonadism that include improvement in libido and sexual function, bone density, muscle mass, body composition, mood, red blood cell counts, cognition, quality of life and cardiovascular disease. 

There has been concern that testosterone replacement causes prostate cancer; however, this concern has no meical evidence to support it.  Link 3

Our approach at Protea includes complete lab work, including testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, estrogen, prostate specific antigen, fasting lipids, follicle stimulating hormone and leutinizing hormone. We order imaging studies to get to the bottom of why you may be producing low testosterone, and then treat it in an individualized way specific to your needs.
Dr. McCarthy can be reached at 480-557-9095

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Monday, March 8, 2010

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Pellet Therapy has been available for decades. The use of pellets guarantees a steady stream of hormones for 3-6 months. Other methods of delivery (pills, creams, troches, shots) are often absorbed irregularly causing a hormonal roller coaster.

Bio-identical hormone replacement using pellets helps to:
  • Improve mental wellbeing and reduce hormone related "mood swings"
  • Reduce risks of some  types of cancer
  • Enhance vitality
  • Increase bone density
  • Increase mental focus
  • Decrease body fat
  • Promote healthy cholesterol levels
  • Restore or increase libido
  • Eliminate the common signs of menopause.

Bio-identical hormone pellets have been in use across Europe since the mid 1930's to restore and enhance hormone balance. The concept of using bio-identical hormone pellets painlessly inserted under the skin has only recently caught on here in America. 

Research has supported the safety and effectiveness of bio-identical hormone pellets in treating menopause, peri-menopause and andropause in men (low testosterone). 

At Protea we use only bio-identical hormones, this means nothing synthetic (no horse urine). Our approach is to first run labs and get a complete read of your hormone levels.  We then put together a customized protocol that provides you with the exact levels of hormones you need. And finally to confirm our levels we run a second set of labs to ensure you are on target.

Dr. Brendan McCarthy has been trained in the most recent techniques and methods of using bio-identical hormone pellets. At Protea we utilize state of the art compounded estrogen, testosterone and progesterone in pellet form. These three hormones when applied correctly and in the proper doses restore wellness and vitality.

Call today for a consult with Dr. Brendan McCarthy. 480-557-9095
Email: info@protealife.com


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The Protea hCG Weight Loss Difference

The Protea Protocol is born from experience. The thousands of successful clients we have treated stand as a testament to the effectiveness of our plan.

There are many clinics offering hCG for weight loss. However, not all hCG protocols are made equal. We created a quick checklist for people in the market for an hCG weight loss clinic. This list was developed to help you ask the right questions when you shop around for the best fit for your needs.


  • We charge $595. This is all inclusive with no added fees later. 
    • This includes the following medication: 10 ml of  hCG at 1,000iu/ml concentration, a minimum of 6 SlimShot injections (see below) and all medical supplies required for a successful 35 day protocol.
      • The 10m vial provides 35 or so daily injections containing 200iu of hCG. Our experience finds this dose is the best. 
  • Weekly visits with a Physician. You are evaluated weekly for weight loss, body fat loss, and body mass index reduction. We also evaluate for muscle retention and general hydration.
    • You receive weekly SlimShot injections (B12, Methionine, Inositol, and Choline) in order to enhance your weight loss success, and support your liver's ability to clear the fat it is metabolizing.


  • While hCG is remarkably effective, nothing is foolproof. We are available 7 days a week. If you should encounter a roadblock, help is provided in less than 24 hours. The last thing we want is you not to succeed! 
    • If you are not losing according to plan we will provide you with guidance on line to help right away. We also schedule you for an appointment within 24 hours of your trouble. If we need to, we will provide you with additional SlimShots or the enhanced SlimShot(E). We do whatever it takes to get you results. 
    • Added visits and added SlimShots are not billed separately, they are considered part of the original $595. 
  • We provide all our clients with a long term diet plan to ensure permanent results. If a patient finds themselves gaining weight, we are available to help support and correct any dietary causes. We are also available to order all necessary lab work to evaluate for a possible endocrine cause.


  • We have seen thousands of people succeed on this plan. Our experience has allowed us to perfect the diet plan, and customize for to our patients. 
    • Our patients do not consume only 500kcal. They average 800-1100 calories a day. 50% of all calories are carbohydrate, 30% is protein and 20% is fat. Even with this generous diet, our patients lose 20-30 pounds in a month. 

At Protea we believe that if you have a weight problem, you should try hCG. We don't mind if you find another clinic; we just want you to have the same success out patients have had.

Feel free to call 480-557-9095
Or email
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