Glutathione has many functions:
- It is the major antioxidant produced by the cells, it clears free radicals and prevents oxidative damage When you take antioxidants like vitamins C and E you are taking them to increase Glutathione.
- Glutathione detoxifies carcinogens, and toxins like both organic and inorganic.
- It is essential for the immune system to do its job. It manages the immune system's response to a problem, ensuring you do not over-react to the problem (inflammation/allergy) or under react to a problem (cancer)
We use Glutathione when treating cancer, allergy, alzheimer's, autism, autoimmune diseases, and many others. We also use Glutathione to prevent disease, we inject it regularly to promote wellness. In athletes it reduces recovery time and enhances performance and stamina. A recent study in the Townsend Letter showed Glutathione enhanced cycling performance by 7% in one month. Link here for the study
Are you low in Glutathione? A simple $50 test will let us know, a $25 painless injection will increase it and enhance your wellness in a very real way.
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