Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Autism can be a heart wrenching diagnosis to hear from your Doctor. As a parent of an Autistic son I know the heartache a parent feels with a newly diagnosed autistic child. As a parent I also understand the desperation to find effective therapeutics.
At Protea we keep it very simple. There are three areas we treat:
    1. Heavy metals
    2. Intestinal health
    3. Food sensitivities and allergies

We use a provoked heavy metal test to evaluate levels of toxic heavy metals. If there are metals present in the lab we will discuss options for their elimination.
We test intestinal wellness with a comprehensive digestive stool analysis. Often children and adults with autism have significant intestinal health problems. These issues of digestion can contribute to autism.
We diagnose and eliminate potential food triggers. There are many, many different labs that try to diagnose food allergy. At Protea we use the gold standard elimination challenge diet to discover foods that may be triggering autistic symptoms.
As a father of an Autistic son I understand the financial burden associated with treating Autism. My prices are as follows:
  • Initial visit: $150
  • Follow up visits $60
  • Heavy metal lab: $75
  • Comprehensive digestion stool analysis: $250
  • Food allergy testing is free, we only charge the normal office visit fee.
We strictly follow established treatment protocols when treating your child. We also use the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (or ATEC) to evaluate the success of our treatments.
While there is no known cure for Autism, I have seen significant improvement in symptoms using these simple yet effective therapies.
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My hCG Weight Loss Journey

For three years, I had heard rumors about hCG and thought it must be too good to be true. In fact, I advised against it when patients asked my opinion. I have great regret that it took so long for me to research, understand and ultimately experience this incredible protocol for myself. After medical school and starting my practice, I found myself 35 pounds over my ideal weight, and medically diagnosed as obese. I competed in several olympic distance triathalons and began a calorie restricted diet. I regained my hobby of cycling and competed in two endurance races of over 50 miles. Despite all of these changes, I only lost five to ten pounds. I began to see myself at this weight for the rest of my life.

One day I was inspired to look back at Dr. Simeon’s research on hCG and weight loss, conducted over 60 years ago. An associate prescribed the hCG protocol and set me up with a rudimentary program so I could find out for myself if this really worked. I was astonished to find that after the first week, I had lost seven pounds - exactly what all the hype had been talking about. At the end of 35 days, I had lost 35 pounds, and felt more healthy, at home in my own skin, and vibrant than I had in 20 years. Needless to say, I was converted.

From this point forward, I was converted and began to formulate a more comprehensive protocol to use in my practice. NOthing gives me greater joy than to see people’s lives and self-esteem transformed through a simple, safe procedure administered in my practice.
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A patient testimonial:

I was one of those patients that tried to get Brendan interested in hCG as early as when he was a resident at Southwest Naturopathic Clinic and we spent many hours together detoxing the long term metals and toxins that were threatening my mobility and long term health. Because I trust Brendan’s medical judgment I followed his advise, we worked through my many medical issues, one of which is obesity, compounded by long term, untreated gluten intolerance, resulting in many complex auto immune diseases. During the past 3 years, together with Brendan’s constant guidance, he has treated my very complex issues and improved my overall health by 190 degrees. My long term anemia is, for the first time in 40 years, in the normal range. My weight has gone down from 250 to 188 lbs. Although I lost half of the weight, about 30 pounds over the past year with the elimination of gluten from my diet, it was a very slow process. Brendan invited me to be part of the first test group and I have lost another 30 pounds on the protocols that Brendan has designed for me. I have not weighed under 200 pounds since my daughter was born in 1968, and have weighed as much as 367lbs. At 61 years of age I am in better health than I have been in 40 years. I wish to express to Brendan my gratitude for his never faltering enthusiasm for researching, and continually opening up new doors for me. Constantly working to improve my life and my level of health. He deserves every success and his weight loss looks great on him!
Diane M Caruso, Broker
Fax 602-680-4663
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Contemplating the action of progesterone on neural tissue

There has been a recent explosion of research looking into the positive impact progesterone has on people suffering from traumatic brain injury. In my practice I have had success using nutrients geared towards generating neural growth factors in damaged neural tissue.

The use of acetyl L-carnitine, Coenzyme Q-10 and Alpha Lipoic acid has been shown to restore neural function and enhance mental capacity. When neural growth factors are released it has the effect of re-growing damaged neural tissue.

Progesterone treatments, as seen in the recent research, show effect only when the progesterone is used immediately after the injury. This limits its use to acute treatment. For those who have chronic neural damage, the use of nutrients remains the most effective means of restoring wellness.
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Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen dominance is a condition where there is a relative excess of estrogen compared to progesterone.

Symptoms include:
1- Premenstrual anxiety
2- Breast swelling and pain
3- Irregular menstruation with excessive or deficient flow
4- Increased sensitivity to pain
5- Increased sugar cravings
6- Depression
And more.

What is occurring is estrogen is hyper-priming the tissue without the temperance of progesterone. As the body ages, the ovaries produce less progesterone. The adrenal glands make up for this by making progesterone instead of cortisol.

When there is stress, exposure to allergenic food or sickness, the adrenal glands will stop making so much progesterone and preferentially make cortisol instead. Stress of any kind can induce estrogen dominance.

In neural tissue, estrogen blocks the production of seratonin and melatonin. This causes depression, anxiety, sugar cravings, insomnia and a general sense of malaise. Estrogen also reduces the output of endorphins, enhancing the perception of pain.

My approach to estrogen dominance includes enhancing the liver's ability to process and eliminate excess estrogen, promote natural progesterone production and enhance proper hormone metabolism.

I have developed a nutrient mixture dedicated to restoring hormone balance. It includes Vitamin B-6, B-12, Methionine, Inositol and Choline. The nutrient is delivered as an injection administered in our office 2 times a week.

We call this the FemShot, call today 480-557-9095 to come in and try it out.
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Take the Androgen Deficiency In The Aging Male Quiz:

  1. Do you have a decrease in libido (sex drive)?
  2. Do you have a lack of energy?
  3. Do you have a decrease in strength and/or endurance?
  4. Have you lost height?
  5. Have you noticed a decreased enjoyment of life?
  6. Are you sad and/or grumpy?
  7. Are your erections less strong?
  8. Have you noticed a recent deterioration in your ability to play sports?
  9. Are you falling asleep after dinner?
  10. Has there been a recent deterioration in your work performance?

If you answered several of these correct then you may have lowered testosterone. Labwork can help to diagnose and understand the cause of testosterone deficiency.

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